Friday, May 9, 2008

The Mixtape 2008...

Do you remember the days, when you sat at home in front of the stereo, and spent the entire day making what you thought, was the dopest mixtape in the whole world... And then the next week you did it again, and again, and again... A lot of you still do it on cd's, it is to you, what the cassette tape was to us.

But now there is a brand new option. You no longer have to press record, and you no longer have to burn cd's. Now you can do it online, and it's incredibly easy!
On you simply drag songs that are already online into you mix. You customize you tape, and then you're able to share it if you want.

But if you prefer the old fashion cassette way, and you can't find them in any shop, then these online shops can help you: and

Either way you keep the mixtape alive...


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