Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Mash Up...

The mash-up was the biggest thing a year ago, everybody was mashing anything possible and impossible, it was all one big party... But it's one of those trends you tend to get tired of pretty quickly. Mainly because a really good mash is so damn hard to achieve. Finding the perfect instrumental and acapella to mash is an artform, that everybody thinks they master, just because they know a bit about music. But like everything else you have to have a talent. I have an "indie" friend that started out doing mash-ups, stopped after a while, and is now nurturing a budding music career.

But if it is more or less over, why do i even spend time talking about it now.. Well an intentionally bad mash just made my day! It's done by the jokers at http://www.itsthereal.com/ and with the accompanying video, it's an instant classic.

I give you Boyz II Men & Soulja Boy.... yooouuuu....

Soulja Boyz II Men from jeff on Vimeo.


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