Friday, May 16, 2008

We have moved...

From now on please check our blog at

The website is still in the works, but will be finished shortly.

Rob, Christian & Philip

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

And she's Danish...

The independent Danish music scene i filled with talent at the moment, and talent that transcends genres.
One of the biggest talents is the female MC, Lucy Love. Danish radio is slowly finding out that she exists, but the British underground radio Rinse FM has know for a while. So much so that british MTV just asked for a copy fo her video...

You can call Lucy Love grime, you can call her rap... i just call the video for her single "No VIP" brilliant...

For more Lucy Love:


Friday, May 9, 2008

The Mixtape 2008...

Do you remember the days, when you sat at home in front of the stereo, and spent the entire day making what you thought, was the dopest mixtape in the whole world... And then the next week you did it again, and again, and again... A lot of you still do it on cd's, it is to you, what the cassette tape was to us.

But now there is a brand new option. You no longer have to press record, and you no longer have to burn cd's. Now you can do it online, and it's incredibly easy!
On you simply drag songs that are already online into you mix. You customize you tape, and then you're able to share it if you want.

But if you prefer the old fashion cassette way, and you can't find them in any shop, then these online shops can help you: and

Either way you keep the mixtape alive...


Oooooh I want one!

Lord have mercy!

This is a wireless DVD projector brought to you by the good people at Nikko Home Electronics.
A good friend Mr Sobers showed let me share it with you!

For anyone over the age of 25, this is a must for Christmas - the cost is irrelavant!!

Feast your eyes upon the prize!


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Throwback Thursday [3rd Edition]

So many great songs have come from this guy, i wouldn't even know where to start. If i was to make top 100 of my favorite songs, not that i'm ever gonna do that, because that would be like suicide for me.. but.. if i was forced, a lot of Al Green songs would be on that list...

I could intellectualize over the incredible influence his music has had on the modern soul / R&B scene, and music in general, but that would have to have it's own seperate blog... seriously!

So instead i'm just gonna do the right thing aka shut up... Oh and just remind you that his new album is out in less than three weeks.

Ladies and gentlemen, i give you superhero and reverend Al Green...


And more...

I found the Madden 08 computer game version of the same advert.....

Nothing escapes our gaze!

Nike; Take It To The Next Level -Evolution of Nike Ads

Here's the original advert that the new soccer advert by Nike that was posted a few days ago was based on.

Using young up and coming stars of the NFL, it gives the viewer unparalled access to what a player sees and experiences.

You can clearly see how the soccer ad has been influenced by it, but also has been evolved significantly in a highly creative way.

Adidas and Reebok need to step up!


Monday, May 5, 2008

Nike: Take It To The Next Level

One of the reasons that platform football games like the newest version of the FIFA series, the 08, stay so incredibly popular, is their ability to develop in the right direction. One of the big new things for FIFA 08, was the fact that you could now develop a player, and play an entire season as him. Meaning that you solely controlled him in game situations, thereby becoming a pro football player.

Nike have turned that into their brilliant new ad "Take It To The Next Level". They cater perfectly to an entire world of football enthusiasts, mostly spectators, and as FIFA 08 did, they fulfill fantasies.

It's one of this weeks most watched sports clips on Youtube, and will most likely stay just that..


Sunday, May 4, 2008

Wow, Lego!

Let's start with an incredible fact.... the man has 1.5 million Lego bricks in his New York studio. Now that's crazy!

The man is called Nathan Sawaya, and his Lego art is currently touring North American museums. It's actually sounds very simply... Instead of painting, sculpting in stone or clay, Nathan Sawaya uses colorful Lego bricks, and lots of them! But i'm sure it's anything but simple. If you've ever played with Lego, you'll know...

The level of skill is just amazing, and that's before we even get to talking about how life like the items look. I don't think i've ever seen anything like this, it's incredibly smart and innovative.


Friday, May 2, 2008

Huh? Who saw this coming..

So hold the phones....Nick "Wild Out/Drumline/new Owner of PNB Clothing" Cannon is married to Mariah Carey after an 'impulsive ceremony'.

I guess true love knows no limits...their PR teams must be working overtime!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Throwback Thursday [2nd Edition]

It's probably a matter of who you ask, and you could probably could sell the fight to HBO, but it would most likely end a draw... The question of who really gave R&B the hip hop sound. A sound that has been a cornerstone in the R&B we hear today..

The easy answer is of course Sean "Puffy Diddy" Combs. He's the guy that introduced us to Mary J. Blige in July of 1992. Her "Real Love" did a lot to change the face of R&B, no doubt about it.. and here is where it becomes a tad nerdish, because i'm not really sure that Edward "Eddie F" Ferrell agrees, that Puffy should be given sole credit...

He's the guy that gave Puff a chance on the label he created, Uptown Records, and he later went on to work for labels like LaFace and Motown. But he's also the guy that gave us Intro. Even if you think you know your 90's R&B it's not given that you know them, but in my book they're one of the best things, that came out of that era. And if you ask them (and me), their influence is crudely overlooked.

The song i've posted today is a huge tune (to quote Rob), and did as much as "Real Love" did for the future of R&B... Ladies and gentlemen i give you "love Thang" with Intro... Recognize!!


Monday, April 28, 2008

The guy just keeps killing me...!!!

Ryan Leslie.... just when you think he has peaked with his online video antics, he pulls you back in. At the moment, i have a hard time seeing anybody on the R&B scene with more talent than him. His level of musicality is incredible, and then there is his ego.

But before is start repeating myself i'll just give you his latest offerings... The last minut and a half of the first video just absolutely kills me. And the second video, where he is live on Sirius with Green Lantern, speaks volumes of his musicality.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ok ok ok ok i know what i said, but...

In a blog post a few weeks ago i boldly stated that i wouldn't hear anymore songs from the new Roots album, because i was afraid to spoil the surprice. Remember the good old days when all you heard was the single, and when the album dropped, it completely knocked you over!!! Thanks to the internet that hardly ever happens anymore... Aaaanyways..

Since the Roots album drops on monday i boldly clicked on the new video today, and i'm glad to report.. I still love The Roots!

But i still hate Birthday Girl, may that song burn in hell...!!!


Throwback Thursday [1st Edition]

Throwback Thursday is gonna be a fixed feature on this little blog of ours, and it's gonna take you back to times that were both better and worse. It's gonna make you smile and cry. It'll give you chills and heat you right up... Anything can and will happen!

In this the first installment, i'll adress the ultimate desert video. Many have tried but only one group have managed to pull it off to perfection, clad in leather non the less! What better place to bring a piano and sing to all the world about your inner most feelings... It's a classic ya'll!


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Why lie?

Turns out that Akon isn't the master criminal that he says he was.

"Police, court, and corrections records reveal that the entertainer has created a fictionalized backstory that serves as the narrative anchor for his recorded tales of isolation, violence, woe, and regret. Akon has overdubbed his biography with the kind of grit and menace that he apparently believes music consumers desire from their hip-hop stars."

Here's full story;

It's hilarious that these artists are still creating a thuggish, ruggish, pseudo gangster past.

What's worse is that we (the public) love it!

From Ice Cube growing up as a well educated middle class kid to Akon's fakeness - WHY DO ARTISTS STILL COME UP WITH THIS BULLS***?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The trouble with Hype Williams...

It's not that long ago that i couldn't contain my joy over the incredible Kanye West video for "Homecoming", directed by Hype Williams.
So when i heard that he was doing the video for the new Mary J. Blige single "Stay Down", i couldn't have been happier. Especially because it's my absolute favorite track off her newest album. It's one of those songs that at first listen might strike you as pretty ordinary and maybe even a little corny. But it is also the kind of song that hits home, if you're going through something when you hear hits home! Anyways...

The trouble with Hype Williams is, that he sometimes shows a complete lack of good taste. Like the year(s) where everything he did had to be split screen. He did the Ne-Yo video with great succes, but then completely overdid it with the rest, like LL Cool J, Young Yeezy etc. (although i will admit the Robin Thick one was pretty sick..).

He's had a pretty good year with Kanye and others so far, but i just can't imagine what he was thinking with this MJB video. Is pretty safe to say that he had a decent budget, and it's pretty safe to say that he has creative control, even with Mary. So how did he come up with the idea of shooting Mary in front of a blue screen in various furs, and just run shots of Antartica behind her? I'm puzzled. And how did he get Mary to go along to it? Especially since this song really screams for a video with serious content!

Just scratch my eyes out please...


Friday, April 18, 2008

The Air Yeezy...

Mr. West, Mr. West is at it again!

He already flashed a pair of all black and very secretive Nike's at the Grammy's about a month ago, and I quote: “I had on a pair of Nikes too, but I can’t talk about those because they’re not out yet.”

But with the premier of his Glow In The Dark show, Kanye also premiered the sneaker he has developed with Nike, according to Kanye's blog, it's called Air Yeezy. There is no word yet when we can frantically mob the nearest Footlocker, but knowing the dude, it won't drop in silence. I don't know about you, but i pretty much love them...


Kobe....doesn't quite get it right..

Have you seen the new Kobe Hyperdunk viral here it is;

Impressed? Ok now check out one of the many posts exposing the video as a fake;

And my favourite parody of it so far;

Now if only they had done it like the Ronaldo/Ronaldinho campaign from a couple of years ago;

Hint - fast forward to 1min 50secs!

There's a thin line between getting it right and getting it very wrong...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Real Hip Hop Lives

How refreshing to see some hip hop that returns to the old ingredients of dope rhymes, dope beats (God Bless DJ Premier) and no hint of cough syrup or an Interscope artist in sight!

Lil' Wayne and his young

It's hard, if not impossible to find a rapper that has been more hyped than Lil' Wayne the last year and a half or so. In fact i'm sure that he is easily in the top 3 of illegal downloads in that time frame. But it has not always been like that. I remember in his early Cash Money days, he wasn't really the one that stuck out from the New Orleans family. His rap skills were so so, and he looked somewhat silly. So what has changed?

Well a lot really. He's still not the greatest rapper alive, although he would like to think so, but he is a lot more solid. The signs were already there on "Tha Carter II". His rhymes have improved greatly, but more importantly, he has found a style that is uniquely his own. The weird mix of him on cough syrup rapping through auto-tune/melodyne, creates an effect that is unmistakably Lil' Wayne.

Another important thing, is the swagger he has grown into over the last couple of years, since the succes of "Tha Carter II". He knows he's different and has started embracing it, instead of opposing it, he has now turned it into an advantage.

Therefor i never doubted it's authenticity, when the possible cover for his upcoming album "Tha Carter III", leaked last week. It looks so crazy that it can only be true. And that was confirmed, when i found it on the sales pages of the danish Universal office.

You've gotta love it... and while we're at it, the video for the single "Lollipop" is no less outrageous. It fits the craziness of the song perfectly. Start hatin'!


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sony's New Ad

Another piece of abstract genius from Sony.

Following on from the bouncing Bravia balls - here's their latest offering.

Brands like this realise that emotional connections with an audience work so well.

Rather than tell the audience something, admit they're smart enough to figure it out themselves!

The Mash Up...

The mash-up was the biggest thing a year ago, everybody was mashing anything possible and impossible, it was all one big party... But it's one of those trends you tend to get tired of pretty quickly. Mainly because a really good mash is so damn hard to achieve. Finding the perfect instrumental and acapella to mash is an artform, that everybody thinks they master, just because they know a bit about music. But like everything else you have to have a talent. I have an "indie" friend that started out doing mash-ups, stopped after a while, and is now nurturing a budding music career.

But if it is more or less over, why do i even spend time talking about it now.. Well an intentionally bad mash just made my day! It's done by the jokers at and with the accompanying video, it's an instant classic.

I give you Boyz II Men & Soulja Boy.... yooouuuu....

Soulja Boyz II Men from jeff on Vimeo.


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Nike's gone Olympic crazy... are one of the largest manufacturers of sporting goods and shoes in the world.

You are known for being smart, savvy and continiously birthing generations of consumers who have a disciple like following of your product.

You have never (and probably will never) speand 100's of millions of euros/dollars/pounds on becoming the official sponsor of the World Cup/Olympics/World Championships (of any kind)*.

You've used all sorts of cool advertising and marketing, and also been lucky enough to retain the services of several legendary (who knew at the time) athletes.

It's an Olympic year and your main rival HAS spent a huge chunk of money on acquiring sponsorship rights** (remember they have to spend almost the same amount again to make the sponsorship work alongside every other Olympic sponsor).

What do you do.....

Well you release a shoe for nearly every damn event in the Olympics!!!

Here's the BMX sample from our good friends at Sneaker Freaker

Well, my friends at sneakerfreaker have the latest efforts....

*The company is sponsoring 22 of the 28 competing Chinese federations.

**Adidas is an official sponsor of the Olympics. In addition to paying a reported $80 million for the sponsorship position, the company has coordinated a marketing blitz that includes opening an average of two stores a day in the country.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Egg remixed...

For those of you that don't know The Egg by danish designer Arne Jacobsen, it's an international design classic. It's been around for 50 years this year, and to celebrate that, the danish/israeli artist Tal R was asked to make his version of the classic chair.
I've never really been crazy about the chair myself, but i'm really feeling this patchwork version. The look is so unique and inviting.


Friday, April 11, 2008

Ryan Leslis is the truth...

I've been feeling Ryan Leslie for a while now, and was diggin his beats, way before i came across his video blog. The thing about R-Les is first of all his infectious energy and perfect swagger. Combined with his ability to create beats with perfect bounce and groove, it makes him an R&B force to be recogned with.
That's how i felt about him before i Youtube'd him....taaadaaaa.... the skies parted and the sun started shining! Youtube had turned Ryan Leslie into a full blown entertainer for me. No doubt that dude has a big ego, and takes self celebrating to a whole new level, but his music totally backs it up. So he can dance around all day, get a disco ball for the studio or conduct the track he did the day before as much as he wants, i will continue loving it!

This clip is not new, but if you're new to Ryan Leslie, it's a great introduction. It holds me over till the video for "Diamond Girl" is done.... can't wait for his album....


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hype Williams vs. Kanye West

They're both among the very best at what they do, so the pre-hype for the video the new Kanye single "Homecoming" was huge... and for good reason!
Shot in all black and white with a very simple storyline, it could have easily become boring, and something you'd seen a million times before (another version of "The Corner" video). But there's a reason why Hype is who he is...

You can always count on 'Ye to celebrate himself in the biggest way, but the winner in this video is the crazy new double layered effect that Hype uses. I've never seen it done like this before, and it just absolutely kills me!

Oh and Chris Martin is in it as well...being the token white guy i guess...


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I Love The Roots!

It's not really a secret to people that know me, and i guess also not to others that only read my reviews. I'm a fan of The Roots, there i said it.
Which is why the closer we get to the new album dropping, the less i want to hear new stuff. I just don't want to spoil the album for me... Mind you not a lot of music acts get this treatment from me. But The Roots are just about as close to perfection as you get. Their videoes are creative, their artwork always pushes the limit and don't get me started about the music...
I've heard three songs from "Rising Down" thus far, loved two and absolutely hated the third, i still hope they drop it from the album eventhough i know they wont...bastards.
Here's the two i love...


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

And then Boyz II Men reestablished my faith!

Last night Boyz II Men visited Copenhagen. A lot of people were afraid to spend more money on a crap r&b concert, but i had faith and my gut feeling was once again spot on.
The venue Store Vega was packed, and the crowd was ecstatic with the very good performance from the boyz. My official word once again (and once again only in danish) here

Boyz II Men are on an european tour, and trust the french to document everything on cell phone crap cameras. Here's a slight taste of what you missed, if you stayed on the couch.


I can't decide....

Here's the video for the new Madonna track "4 minutes" featuring Timberland and Justin Timberlake...

The video covers up some serious mediocre singing by Justin. I'm actually impressed by Madonna's ability to reinvent herself credibly with each music style she tries. Ultimately - you know what you're getting with her.

I'm normally the biggest Timbo fan, but recently the beats and concepts have become a bit cookie cutter for me...


Monday, April 7, 2008

Sooo, Blackstreet or whatever you want to call them...

Yes it's been about a week since the "Catastrophy in Copenhagen", but it seemed only right to kick this little hellish blog off with a piece of strange aka the so called concert.

Find my official word on the whole thing here

If you would rather remember them as they should be remembered, well then knock yourself out...
